If you had participated in any sports or workout activity then you have seen people taking shake and calling it as "Protein Shake".So if you are thinking what is it or why it is used then i am here to tell you about it and why you shouldn't depend on this.
It is basically a mixture of milk, peanut butter, banana and 1-2 scoops of whey protein. But note that the recipe of protein shake is not specified as it varies from person to person and you can search it about on YouTube or Google.
Whey is one of the proteins found in cow’s milk and other dairy products which is commonly used for making muscles or i call it as "muscle growth". You had also noticed it in some nursery rhymes like, "Little Miss Muffet" in which she says ‘sat on a tuffet eating her curds and whey’.
SCIENTIFICALLY: Whey is the liquid byproduct of the cheesemaking process. It is used to make whey-based protein supplements in which the liquid whey is processed into a powder form. During this process, some of the lactose and fat is removed to render a product that’s about 90-95% concentration of protein only.
Through many researches and advices of fitness coaches on whey protein, presented several adverse effects of whey protein consumption.
These sideffects includes things like increased acne, liver toxicity, increased oxidative stress, kidney problems, gut issues, increased showing expression of anger and sterility also in some cases. In regards to dosage of this, it is found that 40g or more of whey protein a day may result in these adverse effects.
It was found that even during short-term use of these products, whey protein consumption was found to negatively affect kidney function of our body. In a study of survey in 2011, those who consumed whey protein during the experiment experienced increased plasma in urea, urinary volume, and urinary calcium excretion while the pH of urinary citrate was decreased. Essentially, these symptoms indicates an increased taxing of the kidneys, which marks as first step in kidney disease.
In regards to liver function, those who live generally sedentary lives are most affected ones. Researchers found that when we are not exercising, the proteins from the whey supplement ended up going to the liver for processing ,instead of being used for muscle synthesis or building.
Over time, sedentary participants also showed signs of early liver injuries. While whey protein is heavily used by athletes, many non-athletes consumes it as well. Whey protein are also found in meal replacement shakes and other diet-related food products that promise weight loss or increased muscle mass through food alone. This becomes an issue because consumers are led to believe that whey is type of a superfood, when in reality it could damage their liver over time.
As you know that While physical activity can increase the ‘good bacteria’ in your gut, but supplementing with whey protein can counteract those positive effects also. A study in 2018 showed that athletes who specifically supplemented with whey protein sre experiencing a decrease in the participant’s beneficial bacteria and corresponding an increase in the harmful bacteria.
When this balance shifts and one’s microbiome contains too much of ‘bad bacteria’, one can experience uncomfortable symptoms of severe and chronic bloating, constipation, stomach pain, gas, and other gastrointestinal distresses. Whether you are an athlete or not, no one wants to contend with these type of awful feelings on a day-to-day basis.
In this generation, we commonly sees teenagers showing interest in bodybuilding and those who has started their workouts with whey suppliments having a face full of red acnes. This not only gives you acnes but also some mental illness.
Unfortunately for these whey protein consumers, the breakouts often don’t stop after puberty. Researches found it that this correlation may be due to the fact that milk and milk products contain IGF-1 [a growth-promoting hormone] with factors to increase estrogen which causes acnes.
While whey protein does not contain any IGF-1, but the products available in the market that contains whey protein typically do. Even most of the powdered protein supplements often have milk powder or other derivatives of this. So it’s not necessary to invest in expensive and skin-damaging treatments to cure such severe cases of acne. For most, it’s as simple as putting down the milk.
Thanks for this useful info :)))